firstoftype ⚡️ HTML и CSS с примерами кода

CSS First Of Class Delft Stack

December 29, 2020 Sometimes when we create our CSS, we want to target a certain element. Let's say if we had an HTML document full of

tags and tags, but only wanted to target the first of each type to style it some way. We can do that with what's called the :first-of-type pseudo-class.

CSS Architecture First steps First step, Css, Architecture

The :first CSS pseudo-class is used with the @page at-rule to select the first page in a printed document. It's very similar to the way :first-child selector works to target the first child element in a parent container, but instead selects the first printed page in a series of pages when the document is sent to a printer.. @page :first { margin: 50%; }

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The :first-of-type Selector is used to targeting the first child of every element of it's parent. if we want to style the first child of an element without giving a class, we can use it. Syntax: :first-of-type { //property } Example: HTML